Hi friends,

since the new inventory got out much earlier than I would like (but it was nescessary to test the tech behind it) I feel obligated to show you where are we heading at least. Please be warned, that no graphic designer touched it yet and as always it’s still work in progress and might turn out significantly different in the end.

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I hope this mock up will give you the idea what we are aiming for and starts the fruitful discussion.

NOTE: yes, the fact that you cannot move with inventory screen open is a bug:)


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Question |What happened to this idea:


iantomasik | Since it was so poorly recieved, we felt that new inventory could not differ too much from the current one. I still think this one do many things in much more clever way, but I haven’t found satisfying solution for vicinity window. It might end up in some form in console version where horizontal layout is much more common, but it’s way to early to tell.

Question |1) I don’t like that there are “empty” spots that display things that you don’t have. I don’t want to see that my face could have a mask on it. I’m not seven. I understand where masks go. I understand that if I don’t have gloves on, I am able to put gloves on. Don’t tell me all the body parts I don’t have accessories for like you work at Forever 21.

2) Good Lord above, please tell me we have the option to arrange the order of our clothing inventories depending on which we will use. Let me put my pants show above my shirt, above my vest, above my backpack. I never keep valuable stuff in my shirt or vest, so let me have my pants and backpack inventories show above them for my easy access. Don’t have the system like it is now where whatever I pick up fills the next spot down and I can’t change the order.

3) If you are telling me that moving while the inventory open is a bug, then reloading in a firefight is going to officially be even worse than it already is. And it already is far more clumsy than it should be. Having to stand still, open up your inventory, find the ammo, drag it onto your gun, then select the “Load” option isn’t realistic. It’s cumbersome and clumsy. All it will do is make people who have magazines even more powerful, and making weapons that load manually even less potent.

4) I hope that the vicinity items open automatically and I don’t have to manually click on the “+” to see what is in a corpse or on a shelf.

5) This is literally the worst idea to show weapons attachments that I have ever seen. The weapon icon is on the right…but the icons for attachments are on the left? Why aren’t bullets in their own space when it’s without a doubt the most often manipulated attachment for a weapon? Why are there greyed out icons for a weapons that suggest a weapon can only have a certain amount of attachments on it regardless of what the weapons can or cannot hold?

The system you have in place now looks better. I see all these concepts for UI’s that fans make themselves that seem far better than what you have shown me here so far, and this may be the time to take one of those ideas and just straight up adopt it and then add your own improvements to it instead of working on something that’s your own and is inferior.

iantomasik | 1) Dummy slots are there to keep every attachment ordered and at fixed position. so you can develop muscle memory where to reach with mouse to acces specific gear.

2) Yes, the goal is to to allow you sort containers to your taste. Current state is first step towards this goal.

3) I am telling you the opposite:)

4) It will be open by default. Moreover inventory will remember what panels and containers you have minimized. So i.e. if you want to gain more vertical space for your containers, you can minimize inventory panel:

5) I agree, the attachments shouldn’t be displayed this way. The idea was to make no longer difference between attachments and cargo so you can always tell how much space is item taking and more easily plan where you gonna drag and drop it. Loading the gun would be done just by drag n’ dropping bullets anywhere on the hand panel, so it wouldn’t matter that much, where it ends up placed. But you are not first who demanded the hand item to look more dominant and have attachments in fixed order, so this will most likely change.

Just between us.. It’s polite and wiser to ask questions first, before you start judging someones competence. You are flexing muscles here over something that is just your asumptions. It makes you look pretty rude and it turns discussion into fight unnecessarily 🙂

Question | Evaluation of experimental version 0.58: For me, the icons are to small. i have to play on my 17″ laptop toaster and can´t see which item iy laying on the floor. I am also missing the status bar

iantomasik | We thought I would look rad to have status labels displayed near the body parts they refere to. But this might not work well with zooming and rotating the character, so it’s yet to be tested.

The size of icons in exp58 is not intended. Goal is to have the icons bigger. In ideal scenario the size of icon will be scalable from settings options.

Question | Looks great! Is the vest somehow under the raincoat? Or is just a concept to show where a vest would be in the character’s inventory panel?

It also looks like you zoomed in or cropped the picture or the character’s model scale size increased in the inventory menu. I’d like to see the character models seen in the inventory screen a little bigger similar to what we are seeing here. I also like the character model bleeding into the left pane’s foreground and the right pane’s background. It makes the character model stand out more. This would be ideal for 1pp players who won’t see their character model that often. The item icons under the collapse and expand buttons are a nice touch too.

iantomasik | It’s just oversight, the vest should be displayed on characters. As Peter said on trello you’ll be able to rotate and scale character freely.

Question |1) Are there plans to have the panes moveable? And the containers moveable within the pane? I would drag the character pane over to the left more by vicinity (doubling them up) if I could.

2) How about zooming in/out character? The character could go down with zoom out, allowing you to see better.

3) How about real time character stances?

4) How about items dropping down (like gravity) within each container? If this worked I could keep the containers dropdowns up more. 🙂 And spend much less time exact placing.
5) The slots should mimic the container. Carriers vest should have 2×1 vertical separated. Jeans should have 1×1 separated (no chance of putting a hacksaw in jeans).

iantomasik | 1) Panels won’t be moveable, but you will be able to minimize them and possibly even order containers in container panel.

2) Yes

3) Would not work with prone, so probably not. But you’ll see item in hand.

4) Interesting idea, but not very likely to happen:)

5) That’s something we really wanted. But to be honest inventory space is already quite limited and this would add another obstruction forcing you to spent needless time in inventory screen juggling items between hands, ground and body. It still might be incorporated for vests and other specific items though.

Source: dayz official forum

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User Interface is the catch-all term for the visual elements which communicate information to a player and allow them to interact with the world they occupy. In DayZ, the goal is to maintain as little of an interface layer as possible in order to keep immersion levels at their maximum and distracting visual noise at a minimum. This has resulted in design aspects which are aimed at telling the player what they need to know without flashing it in their faces.

Below are the primary screens where a player will interact with the game, and additional areas of the interface can be learned about by visiting the 'See Also' section at the bottom of this page.

  • 1Main Menu
  • 2In-Game Menu
  • 3Gameplay Interface
  • 4Inventory

Main Menu[edit | edit source]

The game's main menu

The Main Menu is the screen you will find yourself at when initially launching DayZ. This is where you can access everything you need to jump into a server and start playing, as well as configure the game to your liking. The bottom-left corner of the screen will also display what version of the DayZ client you are currently using. The background image changes everytime the game is launched and are areas within Chernarus.

Main Menu Options[edit | edit source]

  1. Play - Choosing this option will connect you to the last server that you played on.
  2. Character - This will take you to the character customization screen, where you can set the default outfit for a new (aka 'fresh spawn') character.
  3. Change Server - Clicking here will take you to the Server Browser screen.
  4. 'Gear icon' - The Settings menu can be accessed using this option.
  5. 'Exit icon' - This quits the game and takes you back to your desktop.
  6. 'Credits icon' - This will show the credits for DayZ.

In-Game Menu[edit | edit source]

The in-game menu that appears while connected to a server

The In-Game Menu is accessed by using the Esc key by default while you are already connected to a server. This presents many of the same options a user would find on the game's main menu, such as settings, and will similarly display what version of the DayZ client you are currently using. The server's version of DayZ is displayed as a text message in the Gameplay Interface (see below) when a player initially connects to a server.

In-Game Menu Options[edit | edit source]

  1. Continue - Closes the menu screen and puts you back into control of your character.
  2. Options - Takes you to the Settings menu.
  3. Exit - Disconnects you from the server and takes you back to the Main Menu screen.
  4. Respawn - This option only appears when your character is either unconscious or dead. Use this as a 'reset' button to start a new character on the coast.

Gameplay Interface[edit | edit source]

The interface elements a user sees while playing the game

The Gameplay Interface is everything that is potentially visible on a player's screen when they are actually playing the game, separate from what is visible in the Inventory screen (see below). An absolutely minimal (and at times even non-existent) user interface is part of what makes DayZ Standalone unique from other games, but there is some critical information communicated to the player while they are adventuring that would otherwise require them to more frequently open their Inventory screen -- reducing the feeling of immersion.

Areas of the Gameplay Interface[edit | edit source]

  1. Crosshair - The small white dot in the center of your screen that show you where you are aimed. This is enabled by default, but can be disabled by server owners.
  2. Text Messages - In the lower-left corner of the screen, messages will appear that communicate information about server information, and local text chat with other players.
  3. Weapon Info Box - In the bottom-left corner of the screen, a box will appear when you equip a weapon in your hands slot. This box will eventually fade to transparent, but the relevant text will remain until you unequip the weapon. This information includes what kind of magazine is currently attached, what range the weapon is zeroed to (i.e. 200m), firing mode (i.e. semi-automatic), etc.
  4. Screen Color - The color saturation of your character's view in-game is how blood level is displayed to you as the player. The less colorful your screen is, the less blood your character has.
  5. Status indicators - the symbols in the lower right corner represents your characters status. From left to right: Thirst, Hunger, Temperature, Blood and Health. Secondary indicators can appear to the left of the permanent indicators (i.e. Sickness, Broken Bones, when you are Wet).

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Inventory[edit | edit source]

An example of a player's Inventory screen

Your Inventory is the screen where you can access and manipulate all of the items on your person and those on the ground in close proximity to you. To view your character's inventory, you need to press the Tab key by default.

Though this screen is used to display a number of things, when a player refers to their 'inventory' what they really mean is the space (or 'slots') in which equipment and weapons are stored and kept on a character. The number of inventory slots available for you to use will vary depending on what kind of clothing you are wearing and whether or not you are equipped with a backpack. Different items of clothing will have a differing number of slots depending upon how many pockets they have, for example, and can be arranged in many different ways (6 rows x 2 columns vs. 4 rows x 3 columns for the same number of total slots). Certain pieces of equipment, such as the Chest Holster, can only hold a specific kind of item (in this case, a handgun).

You can also use your Inventory tab to view items on the ground in your vicinity and either pick them up, use them, or use them in crafting. While you are in the Inventory screen you can choose to craft items, eat food or drink beverages, use medical supplies on yourself or others, and manage your supplies. You can also use the Inventory screen to assign items to what is known as the 'hotbar' at the bottom of your screen in order to quickly use them with one key press; all you have to do is click and drag an item to the desired slot -- 1 through 10 -- at the bottom of the screen. The number of available slots on your hotbar is determined by the clothing you are wearing; generally speaking the more slots that a piece of clothing has itself, the more likely it is to contribute additional slots to the hotbar as well.

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In addition to being used for the management of your gear, the Inventory screen is also employed to present information about the character you are playing. The center part of this screen displays a zoom-able, full-body view of your character which can also be rotated for a complete review. This is useful for telling, at a glance, what the condition of your clothing is at that moment. Above that and to the right you'll find status indicator icons that represent a multitude of player health conditions such as energy, hydration, temperature, etc.

Sections of Your Inventory Screen

Inventory screen sections
  1. Vicinity - Items in a player's vicinity that the player is not carrying. Only displays items in very close proximity to your current position. To pick up an item, click and drag it into your inventory with the left mouse button, or alternatively double-clicking it with the left mouse button will add it to your inventory if there is enough space available.
  2. Character - Visualization of a player's character. Displays which clothes is player wearing at the moment, as well as status indicator icons related to player health.
  3. Hands - Displays the item that the player is currently holding in their hands. Your view of this item can be rotated by clicking and holding the left mouse button.
  4. Inventory - Items that the player is currently carrying. To rearrange items, click and hold the left mouse button over an item and drag it to another open area of your inventory.
  5. Equipped items - On the top of the fourth panel there are slots where uniforms and other accessories and weapons take place.(0.63)
  6. Attachment Slots - Attachments that are currently equipped to the item being viewed, either in the player's hands or on the ground. Attachments can be detached or reattached by dragging them from the weapon or dragging them on top of it.
  7. Hotbar - Items from the player's inventory can be assigned to each of these slots. Each slot corresponds with a number (1 to 0 from left to right at the top of your keyboard). The number of available slots on your hotbar is determined by the clothing you are wearing, and these slots are not for storage; they are only used for assigning key bindings. Once a hotbar slot is assigned to an item by dragging the item into the slot, the player can put it into their hands slot without entering the inventory screen by pressing the corresponding number key. It can then be put away afterward by pressing the same assigned key again.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

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  • Survivors start with a pair of jeans, a hoodie, four rags, an improvised knife, a random drink and a random fruit, so they will have a total of 29 inventory slots, in addition to what they are able to hold in their hands slot. Starting gear can vary by server, with the above being the default starting gear and community server owners being able to set their own loadouts.

See Also[edit | edit source]

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